Monday, 23 May 2011

Disabling CakePHP Auto Escape In Helpers

As we know, CakePHP will automatically escape special characters to sanitize the data.
Sometimes we do not want to escape the special characters, for example "Textarea" inputs, or some inline javascript (eg: onclick= "return function ('xxxx')" when we are using form/html helpers.
For these reasons, we can declared

in the $options (or $attribute ??) array.
As a result, the special characters in html code will be preserved.

echo $html->tableCells    (array    (array    ($form->checkbox('Checkbox1', array    ('escape'=>false,'onlick'=>'return checkbox(\'CheckboxCheckbox1\')')) ..... 

Look for the first reply of the article.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

CakePHP - Matching Multiple Checkbox Inputs With Join/Cross Tables Without Magic

Given the situation: A `trainee` wants to select available time for courses. We have Table `days` and Table `sessions`, having a join table `days_sessions`. Each `days` may have 3 `sessions`, and  can select multiple `days` in the form. In the end, we end up with another join table like `trainees_days_sessions`

1. We have predefined data in `days_sessions`, e.g. Monday morning - 'MonM', Tuesday night - 'TueN', etc.
2. In the form we have checkboxes for each `days_sessions`. We may code it as

Input type='checkbox' id='data[DaySession][DaySession][]' name='data[DaySession][DaySession][]' value='*'/

Note that the `id` must be coded in such a way of data[model_name][model_name][] (as defined in your model), while the value (* sign) must be the `id` column in `days_sessions` table.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Bake Cake MySQL error

If you have come across to warnings like
Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively in ...cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo\dbo_mysql.php on line...
PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. in ...cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo\dbo_mysql.php on line ... 
And etc. Can try the following solution below:

1. Open php.ini
2. Look for the mysql.default_port, set it to the number accordingly, e.g.
mysql.default_port = 3306 

Fatal Error While Baking Cakes

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\...\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo\dbo_mysql.php on line 600'
If you are using easyphp and have met this fatal error when baking cakes, can try this:
1. Copy php.ini from [easyphp]\apache to [easyphp]\php.

Look for reply from andrej

Bake Cake with PHP in windows

In my case, i am using Windows 7.

1. Open cmd
2. CD to php directory
e.g. c:\program files\easyphp\php
3. Bake the cake using php.exe.
e.g. c:\program files\easyphp\php\php.exe "c:\[your localhost+project name]\cake\console\cake.php" bake
4. Start baking the cake!


Tuesday, 10 May 2011

First Attempt With CakePHP

Currently learning from the IBM tutorial:
Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP, Part 1: Getting started

I am using easyphp, and is go to set up the new cake as a production installation.

Several important steps:
1. In httpd.conf, set document root to:
DocumentRoot "${path}/www/cakephp/app/webroot" 

2. Also in httpd.conf, also set document root directory to
Directory "${path}/www/cakephp/app/webroot" 
 AllowOverride All

3. Setting up the database configuration:
Copy and rename the "app/config/database.php.default" into "app/config/database.php" and edit accordingly.

4. Create a user model:
 Create the file as "app/model/user.php" (or whatever name, as long as know how to handle)

5. Create a register view:
Create the file as "app/views/users/register.ctp

6. Create a controller and register action:
Create the file as "app/controller/users_controller.php". 

7. Bake it:
Go to the url: "http://localhost/users/register". 

Monday, 9 May 2011

CakePHP, EasyPHP and mod_rewrite

For a standard EasyPHP package, mod_rewrite is off in httpd.conf.
As using CakePHP requires the mod_rewrite, we will need to modify the httpd.conf of EasyPHP by just, uncomment it.

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ -> remove the hash

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Switching Back To Opera Again

Since switching over to Chrome 15 months ago, now finally come back to Opera.

Opera 10 series, for me is quite a failure which contributes to the switch over, particularly in web compatibilities and extremely slow javascript execution speed as compared to chrome. (Or maybe i should say it is the result of following the protocols and procedures 100%?)

But now, Opera 11 is just as nice as Chrome, so it's time for me to come back to Opera again.

A major weakness for both web browsers:

Chrome 10: Sometimes will still crash when visiting some websites that contain flash applications.

Opera 11: Speed is still lacking a bit compared to chrome, but is very much faster than opera 10.

And don't ask/suggest me to use IE or Firefox unless they are proven...